Thursday Nov 23, 2023
Level 278 - I Hope You Had the Climb of Your Life
Thursday Nov 23, 2023
Thursday Nov 23, 2023
This Week's Panel - Big Ell, KooshMoose, FuFuCuddilyPoof, Matrarch
This Week's Discussion - It's time for the question(s) of the week!
QuestionS of the Week! - Black Friday Deal! Two questions for the price of one!
Vulgar Lego — What are you thankful for?
Northern Lass — What is the best Xbox game played with family or friends during the holidays and why? (If picking Jackbox, please provide games within Jackbox that the family seems to enjoy!) Also, if your family plays board games, maybe throw out some ideas there too!
Show Discussion:
Happy Thanksgiving season to everybody! We totally don't start the show talking about Thanksgiving food. Not. At. All.
Koosh dived into the new Game Pass title, the climbing adventure game, Jusant! We welcome back Matrarch to the panel! She has been playing a long RPG! Has this been a nice change of pace? Find out on Achievement Hunting 101!
Games Mentioned:
Kooshmoose - Jusant
Matrarch - World of Final Fantasy Maxima
[2:12 AM]
happy Thanksgiving Kenny
The Master Raters return with what they believe are some good 4 star games. Games featuring wisecracking Irishmen, talking corn, toilets that face each other and death being spanked. You know, good ones. Trust us. We're the Master Raters.
AH101 Podcast Show Links - https://tinyurl.com/AH101Links
Year of the Veiner spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VkAvMjmVmXLjRWS61eoMimaoovUz7fr7uPsD6DQPIz4/edit?usp=sharing
Intro music provided by Exe the Hero. Check out his band Window of Opportunity on Facebook and YouTube
Friday Nov 17, 2023
Level 277 - To Waifu, Thanks For Everything!
Friday Nov 17, 2023
Friday Nov 17, 2023
This Week's Panel - Big Ell, FuFuCuddilyPoof, Julie Newmar
This Week's Discussion - Question of the Week!
If your job was a video game what would it be? How would it play? What achievements would you add? - Fufu
Show Discussion:
Ell played an EastAsiaSoft game modeled after Zelda. He must have loved it, right? Right? :(.
Exe the Hero delved into Life is Strange: True Colors. See, this is how you spell color, Chewie! This series keeps on going. Is this full priced entry any good?
Games Mentioned:
Big Ell - Book Quest
Exe - Life is Strange: True Colors
Don’t forget to visit #collectibles in the Discord to support Exe in his time of need.
Game Passible
Fream and Kooshmoose return with your November mid-month Game Pass update. Check out Game Passible to get the most gamerscore from your Game Pass subscription.
Games discussed:
* Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator
Never Ending Stories
Get Over Here and listen to Hurricane Dale perform a Campaignality on Mortal Kombat X in NeverEnding Stories
AH101 Podcast Show Links - https://tinyurl.com/AH101Links
Year of the Veiner spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VkAvMjmVmXLjRWS61eoMimaoovUz7fr7uPsD6DQPIz4/edit?usp=sharing
Intro music provided by Exe the Hero. Check out his band Window of Opportunity on Facebook and YouTube
Friday Nov 10, 2023
Level 276 - Exe Gives the Best Gobblers!
Friday Nov 10, 2023
Friday Nov 10, 2023
This Week's Panel - Big Ell, KooshMoose, FuFuCuddilyPoof, Exe the Hero
This Week's Discussion - It's time for the question of the week!
Question of the Week! - What is the most difficult boss or comparable obstacle, challenge, etc. you've faced lately? Tell us what it involved and if the achievement was worth it!
Before the show, we played the new Game Pass title Headbangers: Rhythm Royale. It was a lot of fun! We gonna boost this sucka with 30 people? We totally should!
Show Discussion: It's our LIVE show! We had some great conversation about our question of the week! Thanks to the patrons for their answers!
Exe played a game that was very nice and very evil. Koosh played a Game Pass game that it was on its way out. Was it worth it? Ell played a baby game with cheat codes. He wanted to finish his game quickly so he could eat sandwich even sooner!
Games Mentioned:
Preshow Game - Headbangers: Rhythm Royale
Exe - Evil West
Kooshmoose - Lapin
Big Ell - Lord of the Click
Koosh - Lord of the Sales
Exe - Lord of the Scotch
FuFu - Lord of the Dance (if we ever get him to play Victorious)
AH101 Podcast Show Links - https://tinyurl.com/AH101Links
Year of the Veiner spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VkAvMjmVmXLjRWS61eoMimaoovUz7fr7uPsD6DQPIz4/edit?usp=sharing
Intro music provided by Exe the Hero. Check out his band Window of Opportunity on Facebook and YouTube
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Level 275 - Three Men and a Little Alan Wake II
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
This Week's Panel - Big Ell, KooshMoose, wildwest08
This Week's Discussion - It's time for the question of the week!
It's Halloween season and all the kiddos (and biggos) will be out and about. Before you go though, treat us with your favorite dev/studio of late and 2-3 of their best games.
wildwest played the brand new Remedy title, Alan Wake II! How far did he get into it and what did he think of it? Koosh played a game in his favorite genre, a licensed movie tie-in! It's totally not an Open World beat em up, because those don't exist. Right? Ell whooped some Old Man Fugg buttocks in Better Completions Matter Head to Head! He then took Koosh to task for a particular indie Limbo-like that he got suckered into playing. Happy listening!
Games Mentioned:
- Big Ell - Anodyne
- Big Ell - Beyond Good & Evil
- Koosh - Spiderwick Chronicles
- wildwest08 - Alan Wake II
Game Passible
Fream and Kooshmoose return with your January Game Pass leavings predictions. Check out Game Passible and let us know how we can make it better.
Games discussed:
- Chained Echoes
AH101 Podcast Show Links - https://tinyurl.com/AH101Links
Year of the Veiner spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VkAvMjmVmXLjRWS61eoMimaoovUz7fr7uPsD6DQPIz4/edit?usp=sharing
Intro music provided by Exe the Hero. Check out his band Window of Opportunity on Facebook and YouTube
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Level 274 - Gotham Knights: Not the Game We Deserved or Needed
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
This Week's Panel - FuFuCuddilyPoof, KooshMoose, wildwest08
This Week's Discussion - Have you been playing anything Halloween-themed this month? Are there any other months/holidays that gets you to play to a theme and if so, what games?
KooshMoose plays the new 4 player online co-op shooter taking Game Pass by storm! wildwest08 talks about the Batman game so disappointing that even Batman decided not to be playable in it. FuFuCuddilyPoof creates a diversion.
Games Mentioned:
Koosh - From Space
wildwest08 - Gotham Knights
NeverEnding Stories
Chewie is joined once again by GT3OptionFan who completed the campaigns for two new old XBLA games
AH101 Podcast Show Links - https://tinyurl.com/AH101Links
Year of the Veiner spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VkAvMjmVmXLjRWS61eoMimaoovUz7fr7uPsD6DQPIz4/edit?usp=sharing
Intro music provided by Exe the Hero. Check out his band Window of Opportunity on Facebook and YouTube
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Level 273 - To Infinity and Mirage!
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
This Week's Panel - Big Ell, FuFuCuddilyPoof, Exe the Hero
This Week's Discussion - It's time for the question of the week!
In the spirit of Halloween, what game would be made much better or much worse if they added zombies?
Exe played a couple of AAA whoppers, Halo Infinite and Assassin’s Creed Mirage! Fufu talked about a new AAA racing game on Game Pass that many are playing! Ell played a AAA game too. One that came out in 2006, but still! All Ell will ever be is a faded memory of a bully.
Games Mentioned:
Exe - Halo Infinite
Exe - Assassin’s Creed Mirage
Exe - Nice Show Title
Fufu - Forza Motorsport
Big Ell - Bully: Scholarship Edition
Game Passible
Fream and Kooshmoose return with your October mid-month Game Pass update. Check out Game Passible and let us know how we can make it better.
Games discussed:
AH101 Podcast Show Links - https://tinyurl.com/AH101Links
Year of the Veiner spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VkAvMjmVmXLjRWS61eoMimaoovUz7fr7uPsD6DQPIz4/edit?usp=sharing
Intro music provided by Exe the Hero. Check out his band Window of Opportunity on Facebook and YouTube
Saturday Oct 14, 2023
Level 272 - An Onyxpected Conversation About Broken Achievements
Saturday Oct 14, 2023
Saturday Oct 14, 2023
This Week's Panel - Big Ell, FuFuCuddilyPoof, KooshMoose
This Week's Discussion - It's time for the question of the week!
What game(s) would you otherwise play but are avoiding because you are too scared of the achievements being too difficult, buggy, or broken?
Fufu talked about Pokemon and the Mandela Effect! Koosh played a beautiful black and white Game Pass game set in feudal Japan. Ell played a game from 1983 and a game from 2023. Guess which one played better!
Games Mentioned:
Koosh - Trek to Yomi
Big Ell - Panda's Village (Windows)
Big Ell - Dragon’s Lair
Nerdy Neo returns (with a new intro!) to give the September Year of the Veiner roundup.
One List Two List 21
Inigo and Elroy return to discuss some good and bad achievement lists. Inigo chooses one that is bound to get a reaction from the whole family while Elroy loses his mind and actually plays one of those danged 70 dollar games.
AH101 Podcast Show Links - https://tinyurl.com/AH101Links
Year of the Veiner spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VkAvMjmVmXLjRWS61eoMimaoovUz7fr7uPsD6DQPIz4/edit?usp=sharing
Intro music provided by Exe the Hero. Check out his band Window of Opportunity on Facebook and YouTube
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Level 271 -Trick or Treat, No Old Bay, Give me some Cocoon to Play!
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
This Week's Panel - Big Ell, FuFuCuddilyPoof, KooshMoose
This Week's Discussion - In the spirit of the current TA contest, give us a gaming trick or treat - a game you wish you never started and why, or a great game you've played recently that you want to shout out.
It's our monthly live show! Koosh for the first time ever reviews a colorful independent Game Pass game! FuFu shares some more thoughts on the new Game Pass MP game, Party Animals! Ell is upset about a server showdown. Ell is planning his future gaming! Ell wants a sandwich. We also discussed the current TA contest, Trick or Treat! Enjoy the show!
Games Mentioned:
Koosh - Cocoon
FuFu - Party Animals
Ell - Shalt Be Walloping Fugg in BCM H2H
Game Passible
Fream and Kooshmoose return with the segment focused on predicting the games that could leave Game Pass in the next few months. Check out Game Passible and let us know how we can make it better.
Games Mentioned:
Fream - NORCO
Dragon's Lair Trilogy live stream - https://youtu.be/StDPbZkpzxM?si=vv6U9E5NjgaCwPhF
AH101 Podcast Show Links - https://tinyurl.com/AH101Links
Year of the Veiner spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VkAvMjmVmXLjRWS61eoMimaoovUz7fr7uPsD6DQPIz4/edit?usp=sharing
Intro music provided by Exe the Hero. Check out his band Window of Opportunity on Facebook and YouTube
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Level 270 - WSTNG Away Again in Achievementville
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
This Week's Panel - Big Ell, FuFuCuddilyPoof, KooshMoose, WSTLNDRJoe
This Week's Discussion - What games have you played just for an easy achievement for the daily Game Pass Quest, a competition, or some other reason and discovered that you actually kind of enjoy the game? - CarpeAdam
Koosh played a LimboLike on Game Pass! In other news, water is wet. Ell played a baby game with his wife. In other news, the sky is blue. Fufu played and streamed a new party game. In other news, the earth is flat. We welcome WSTLNDRJoe to the show. He reached his first milestone! In other news…we had a great show! Check it out!
Games Mentioned:
Koosh - Bramble: The Mountain King
Fufu - Party Animals
Ell - My Hidden Things
Joe - Firewatch
AH101 Podcast Show Links - https://tinyurl.com/AH101Links
Year of the Veiner spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VkAvMjmVmXLjRWS61eoMimaoovUz7fr7uPsD6DQPIz4/edit?usp=sharing
Intro music provided by Exe the Hero. Check out his band Window of Opportunity on Facebook and YouTube
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Level 269 - Nothing Beats Fresh Prodeus
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
This Week's Panel - Big Ell, FuFuCuddilyPoof, KooshMoose
This Week's Discussion - You are tasked with adding one new achievement to any game, BUT that achievement has to be achievable AND must be extremely mean to the gamer. Example: Kill 1 million grunts in Halo. What game achievement would you add? Feel free to explain.
Big Ell played two games and then talked about them. You know how this works by now, right? Fufu played a Boomer Shooter that's a lot like Doom. Koosh played a Star Trek licensed game and lived to talk about it.
Games Mentioned:
- Big Ell - Lucid Cycle
- Big Ell - Adios
- Fufu - Prodeus
- Koosh - Star Trek Prodigy: Supernova
Game Passible
Fream and Kooshmoose pilot a brand new segment focused on predicting the games that will leave Game Pass next month. Check out Game Passible and let us know how we can make it better.
Games Mentioned:
- Fream - Last Call BBS
- Fream - Despot's Game
NeverEnding Stories
Chewie is joined by another new voice, Scarovese, who's been sploding everywhere with joy, but not at the thought of whipping more LEGO blocks
AH101 Podcast Show Links - https://tinyurl.com/AH101Links
Year of the Veiner spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VkAvMjmVmXLjRWS61eoMimaoovUz7fr7uPsD6DQPIz4/edit?usp=sharing
Intro music provided by Exe the Hero. Check out his band Window of Opportunity on Facebook and YouTube