Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Level 243 - Wo Long FuFu, Thanks For Editing
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
This Week's Panel - ChewieOnIce, FuFuCuddilyPoof, KooshMoose, Vulgar Latin
This Week's Discussion - If Microsoft were to make a smash clone game who would you want on the roster and what would their move set be? - FuFuCuddilyPoof
While Big Ell and Matrarch are off, Vulgar Latin steps in and Chewie On Ice takes advantage of a time zone shift to make a rare panel appearance. Time zones. Amiright? Chewie talks about his gaming adventures. Koosh talks about a souls-like. Vulgar talks about the Skyward Sword of open world games... of years past. FuFu can't control what the media says about him.
Games Mentioned:
* Chewie On Ice - The Last Door - Complete Edition
* Chewie On Ice - Detective Di: The Silk Rose Murders
* KooshMoose - Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty
* Vulgar Latin - Far Cry 2
Cooperation Nation goes to school with Escape Academy
And because I know you have no idea what the title is about.... https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0114682/
AH101 Podcast Show Links - https://tinyurl.com/AH101Links
Year of the Veiner spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VkAvMjmVmXLjRWS61eoMimaoovUz7fr7uPsD6DQPIz4/edit?usp=sharing
Intro music provided by Exe the Hero. Check out his band Window of Opportunity on Facebook and YouTube
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Level 242 - The Rise and Titanfall of Multiplayer Achievements
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
This Week's Panel - Big Ell, FuFuCuddilyPoof, Kooshmoose, Matrarch
This Week's Discussion - What is a game you have been wanting to play but the multiplayer achievements have put you off, and if there was a possibility of boosting them would that change your mind? - Chezno
Great question this week that lead perfectly into the Games Showcase! Michelle mech her match in Titanfall 2 on the highest difficulty, so she told us a solution to make it easier. Nate was trying to complete a game with much agency before it leaves Game Pass. Ell played a quirky Australian stoner game??? And he liked it!? Munchies = Sandwich Time!
NeverEnding Stories
Chewie is joined by another new voice to the podcast, GT3OptionFan, to talk about finally completing the campaigns of two classic XBLA titles
Games Mentioned:
- Fufu - Hostest With the Mostest
- Matrarch - Titanfall 2
- Koosh - Chinatown Detective Agency
- Ell - Stone
AH101 Podcast Show Links - https://tinyurl.com/AH101Links
Year of the Veiner spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VkAvMjmVmXLjRWS61eoMimaoovUz7fr7uPsD6DQPIz4/edit?usp=sharing
Intro music provided by Exe the Hero. Check out his band Window of Opportunity on Facebook and YouTube
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Level 241 - We Still Love You, Xbox 360!
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
This Week's Panel - Big Ell, KooshMoose, rawkerdude, Vulgar Latin
This Week's Discussion - Vulgar Latin asks - What is the best Xbox 360 game?
We are live! What can go wrong? Oh. We aren't live! But we still are putting out a podcast for our loyal listeners! Rawker joined the party and professed his love for all things Harry Potter! Vulgar played some Civ 6 and we pretended to know what he was talking about! Koosh changed gears and talked about boosting some Bleeding Edge! Ell played a myriad of baby games but enjoyed them more than he should have. Shocking!
NeverEnding Stories - DinoMan87 regales Chewie with a story of murder, arson, vice and...traffic, from deep in the heart of Los Angeles. A story 12 years in the making. (1:35:10)
One For Me One For You - Vulgar and Fream recommend games for each other, then play those games, then talk about how much they (hopefully) enjoyed them. (1:45:09)
xNeo21x gives the February Year of the Veiner V2 update. (2:27:48)
Games Mentioned:
- Rawker - Hogwarts Legacy, Marvel Midnight Suns
- Vulgar - Civilization 6
- Koosh - Bleeding Edge
- Ell - Woodle Tree Adventures, Bone Marrow, Friday the 13th Puzzle Game
AH101 Podcast Show Links - https://tinyurl.com/AH101Links
Year of the Veiner spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VkAvMjmVmXLjRWS61eoMimaoovUz7fr7uPsD6DQPIz4/edit?usp=sharing
Intro music provided by Exe the Hero. Check out his band Window of Opportunity on Facebook and YouTube
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Level 240 - (Never) Always Judge A Game By Its Intro!
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
This Week's Panel - Big Ell, FuFuCuddilyPoof, Kooshmoose, Matrarch
This Week's Discussion - What is your favorite intro and/or first level of a game? Did the rest of the game live up to it?
It's backwards day, as Fufu talked about a Game Pass game, but Kooshmoose didn't! Fufu talked about Merge and Blade, and the rest of the panel was pretty intrigued by it! Nate played an old school point and click! Michelle played a puzzle game that is fun for the whole family! Ell had a painful experience going for a longwinded achievement!
Games Mentioned:
Fufu - Merge and Blade
Matrarch - Wordbreaker by POWGI
Koosh - Nine Witches: Family Disruption
Ell - Conan Exiles
The Master Raters are back to discuss the games they rate with 3 stars, taking a look at the could be betters and the could be worses and the just okayishes.
AH101 Podcast Show Links - https://tinyurl.com/AH101Links
Year of the Veiner spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VkAvMjmVmXLjRWS61eoMimaoovUz7fr7uPsD6DQPIz4/edit?usp=sharing
Intro music provided by Exe the Hero. Check out his band Window of Opportunity on Facebook and YouTube
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Level 239 - The Fashion Police Squad Needs You!
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
This Week's Panel - FuFuCuddilyPoof, KooshMoose, Vulgar Latin, Matrarch
This Week's Discussion - What you think is the best Free to Play or Gamepass game that isn't Rocket League on the Xbox ecosystem? - Vulgar Latin
This week, Ell tags out to let Vulgar Latin join a 4-chair match with the rest of the regular crew. Vulgar Latin flashes a blue steel badge. Matrarch cleans up a Game Pass GOAT. KooshMoose takes a break from magic-ing classes to play yet another game before a server shuts down. Fufu is an enigma wrapped in a delicious candy shell.
One List Two List
In this edition of one list two list, Elroy’s disdain for a game that missed the opportunity to have some epic cheevos about crabs and old person shenanigans is countered by Neo21’s first appearance on the segment in which he shares the joys of polite killer turrets and cheevos that open a portal to an enjoyable list.
NeverEnding Stories
Chewie sets out on a new journey listening to tales from patrons and staff members who left their stories long unfinished. NeverEnding Stories if you will. His first encounter is with Vulgar, who has been DOOMed for 15 years.
Games Mentioned:
- Fashion Police Squad - Vulgar Latin
- Knockout City - KooshMoose
- Powerwash Simulator - Matrarch
AH101 Podcast Show Links - https://tinyurl.com/AH101Links
Year of the Veiner spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VkAvMjmVmXLjRWS61eoMimaoovUz7fr7uPsD6DQPIz4/edit?usp=sharing
Intro music provided by Exe the Hero. Check out his band Window of Opportunity on Facebook and YouTube
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Level 238 - Hogwarts Legacy - Have Fun Storming the Castle!
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
This Week's Panel - Big Ell, FuFuCuddilyPoof, Kooshmoose, Matrarch
This Week's Discussion - Happy Valentine's Day! This question is from awesome community member Big Ell! In the spirit of Valentine's Day, we want to know your favorite Xbox co-op games! Tell us some stories! Were achievements involved?
We'd love to know if you've gotten your spouse/SO to play any games with you in any capacity. If not, any stories about getting a friend or relative (maybe someone who doesn't normally play games with you) would be great! Any local/online co-op stories will do. If all else fails, tell us a game you can carry Big Ell in at your earliest convenience.
The time has come! Nate gives a lengthy review of Hogwarts Legacy. What did he think of it? Michelle and Ell played both Infernax and Rumbleverse before they went bye bye!
xNeo21x gives the January Year of the Veiner V2 update.
Games Mentioned:
Ell - Rumbleverse
Matrarch - Infernax
Kooshmoose - Hogwarts Legacy
AH101 Podcast Show Links - https://tinyurl.com/AH101Links
Year of the Veiner spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VkAvMjmVmXLjRWS61eoMimaoovUz7fr7uPsD6DQPIz4/edit?usp=sharing
Intro music provided by Exe the Hero. Check out his band Window of Opportunity on Facebook and YouTube
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Level 237 - We Actually Played Bioshock
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
This Week's Panel - FuFuCuddilyPoof, KooshMoose, wildwest08, a picture of a sandwich
This Week's Discussion - Now that the Lara Croft mansion power washing DLC is out, what would you want the next DLC to be? - SkepticalMario
It's our live show for February so check out the video on YouTube if you want to put voices/names to faces. Of course, two of our live show regulars are out but you can still get a load of patron pinch-hitter and game-saver, wildwest08! Fufu talks about his first few hours with our AH101 Community Game of the Month. Wildwest08 then takes control of the mic to talk about his early contender for game (played) of the year. Koosh brings the "it's not horrible" recommendations this week starting with a free-to-play multiplayer game that's shutting down in May.
Games Mentioned:
- Fufu - Bioshock
- wildwest08 - Control
- Kooshmoose - CrossfireX
AH101 Podcast Show Links - https://tinyurl.com/AH101Links
Year of the Veiner spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VkAvMjmVmXLjRWS61eoMimaoovUz7fr7uPsD6DQPIz4/edit?usp=sharing
Intro music provided by Exe the Hero. Check out his band Window of Opportunity on Facebook and YouTube
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Level 236 - Wingardium Pepsi Cola Will Give You a Hi-Fi Rush!
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
This Week's Panel - Big Ell, FuFuCuddilyPoof, Kooshmoose, Matrarch
This Week's Discussion - With Hi-Fi Rush being announced and released on the same day, do you think the reception it has received is the same it would have gotten had it been revealed 6 months ago? Secondly, what are your opinions on releases in this format? Do you like stealth releases or would you prefer games to have a longer build up?
We have a rare news heavy week this week! A bunch of Xbox 360 games are being delisted on the Xbox 360 marketplace. Should we be this upset about this after well over 15 years? #darntootin
We delve into Cruz Brothers (Tom and Ted?) going past the 5K barrier! Our hopes of getting Star Wars: Jedi Survivor on time were destroyed worse than Fufu’s Iron Man 2 cup! Finally, Rumbleverse is closing faster than the doors at all you can eat buffet when the staff sees Ell approaching.
Xbox 360 delisted list - US removal list x360 marketplace - Google Sheets
Games Mentioned: Only one good one. Thanks, Nate!
- Koosh - Hi-Fi Rush
- Matrarch - Walking Dead: A New Frontier
- Ell - Oxenfree, Telling Lies
- Kenny - Age of Empires 2
In this episode of Genre’lly Speaking, Matrarch and Elroy make like Jambi and say the magic words and then jump into their walking robot suits that they may or may not be able to take off and that may or may not just be Transformers. There’s more than meets the eye, genres in disguise in this segment. (1:15:17)
AH101 Podcast Show Links - https://tinyurl.com/AH101Links
Year of the Veiner spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VkAvMjmVmXLjRWS61eoMimaoovUz7fr7uPsD6DQPIz4/edit?usp=sharing
Intro music provided by Exe the Hero. Check out his band Window of Opportunity on Facebook and YouTube
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Level 235 - Kudos to You Guys
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
This Week's Panel - Big Ell, Matrarch, Kooshmoose, rawkerdude
This Week's Question - RetroChief asked - "Dead Space is getting a remake that changes the original achievement list - which games would you like to see remade with a revised list? Or which should they absolutely not touch?"
Our special guest rawkerdude is playing a pretty™ 3D platformer! Matrarch played a card and boardy role playing gamey Game Pass game and enjoyed herself! Koosh played an 8-bit Metroidvania chock full of easter eggs and it might be leaving Game Pass very soon! Ell played an 8-bit Metroidvania with zero easter eggs, and it's not in Game Pass at all, but it should be! This episode is very fun, so give it a listen and please comment about it in #podcast-discussion!
xNeo21x introduces Year of the Veiner 2023 edition.
Games Mentioned:
- Corey - Wavetale
- Matrarch - Citizen Sleeper
- Koosh - Infernax
- Ell - Mummy Demastered
Year of the Veiner spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VkAvMjmVmXLjRWS61eoMimaoovUz7fr7uPsD6DQPIz4/edit?usp=sharing
AH101 Podcast Show Links - https://tinyurl.com/AH101Links
Intro music provided by Exe the Hero. Check out his band Window of Opportunity on Facebook and YouTube
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Level 234 - This Episode Slaps!
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
This Week's Panel - Big Ell, FuFuCuddilyPoof, Kooshmoose, Vulgar Latin
This Week's Discussion - If a movie or show was being made of one of your favorite games, what’s the game, and who would be your dream casting choices for the main character(s) and why?
Much like behind the scenes, Kenny was confused about famous actors. Much like behind the scenes, Devin got annoyed at Ell. Much like behind the scenes, Nate went on a Power Trip! Much like behind the scenes, Ell ate a ton of food and then played a game related to eating a ton of food.
Games Mentioned:
- Vulgar Latin - Marvel's Midnight Suns
- Koosh - Ben 10: Power Trip
- Ell - Garfield Lasagna Party
Year of the Veiner spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VkAvMjmVmXLjRWS61eoMimaoovUz7fr7uPsD6DQPIz4/edit?usp=sharing
AH101 Podcast Show Links - https://tinyurl.com/AH101Links
Intro music provided by Exe the Hero. Check out his band Window of Opportunity on Facebook and YouTube